
Artist Statement

Through the manipulation of oil mediums with the use of glitter, various mixing mediums, and unstretched canvas, I continue to explore my personal relationship with the formal elements of painting and my own desire for “casual” making. There has been an inner exploration of self as well as what my relationship is to my general audiences, the push and pull of connectivity through the obnoxious desire for individuality that penetrates myself, and my audience. By using neon colors, recognizable iconography, as well as text, a queasy atmosphere is created in order to overwhelm and swallow the viewer, creating a moment of overwhelming disgust, awe, confusion, love, etc. All of this encompasses my childhood as a queer individual growing up in the deep south while exploring my continual delight in everything tacky, obnoxious, and “Ashley”, as well as creating a conversation surrounding classism in relation to what is considered tacky and what is not due to endorsement by those who are upper class. Using these themes and concepts, I relate the most personal aspects of myself to a general audience, speaking on our innate desire for individualism despite a larger web of connectivity.